The Beatles mural, New Brighton - seaside town regeneration project 2019

Art from A and K

“Alex and his team are amazing artist that bring life and colour to what are and deemed as drab uninspiring walls, towns and cities..with flair, innovative and artistic talent bring to life these long forgotten towns,streets and cities come to life with truelly magnificent artwork and street art..Alex is a wonderfully kind and compassionate individual and his love and care towards others hold no bounds..I feel honoured and humbled to have met such a true gentle and kind man..I was fortunate to have Alex and his team bring thier amazing artwork to the gable end of my home..honouring the beatles and creating the Beatles Mural House New Brighton..this mural is now visited by both national and international tourist and putting out beautiful small seaside town on the world stage..I wish Alex and his team all the very best in everything they do..kind regards” -Susan

As big time Beatles fans this was by far the most memorable mural to make for a whole host of reasons, the honour of being able to work with the late Tony Booth’s original graphics, his family attending the unveiling, the proximity to the Tower Ballroom where the Beatles played 13 times, simply just painting the Beatles and of course the reaction, support and passion from the local community towards our work.

This monumental work of art was unveiled to hundreds of locals, including Tony Booth’s family, leaving his legacy forever on the Wirral seaside town of New Brighton. Situated in New Brighton’s Victoria Quarter, this particular street art piece is of huge cultural, musical and historical significance.

Located on Mason Street, the large wall mural portrays The Beatles running towards the site of the old Tower Ballroom, where they played 27 times between 1961-1963, however the meaning behind the art runs much deeper.

 1 week after International Beatles Week, 50 years after The New Brighton Tower Ballroom burned down and 100 years after The New Brighton Tower was destroyed, this masterpiece was unveiled as symbol of hope and regeneration of the area. We wanted to celebrate The Ballroom, The Beatles and commemorate the work of the late Tony Booth.

The main elements of the artwork comprise of extracts from original posters from local graphic designer and artist Tony Booth. Tony was known as Brian Epstein’s ‘right hand man’ and was the creator of many of the original Beatles posters in the early 60s. 

 Tony Booth passed away in 2017 however his Beatles posters live on and his original works of art have been sold for more than £27,000, with only 17 known copies remaining. In a beautiful twist of fate, his wife and family have allowed Art From A&K to work with them for this mural. We also incorporated a plaque into the mural in commemoration.

Beatles Mural Unveiling.

On 1st September 2019 at 3pm this iconic piece of street art was unveiled by family members of Tony Booth. Alexander gave a few words and we had music from a Beatles tribute, Paperback Writers, followed by a DJ set from Chris Currie. Watch the video to see the countdown and reaction from the family!


Tony Booth

June Booth and Tony and June’s daughter….

June Booth and Tony and June’s daughter….

Who was Tony Booth

Anthony "Tony" Booth (22 June 1933 – 11 January 2017) was a British commercial artist best known as the original poster artist for The Beatles and other bands in the Merseybeat era. He was known around Liverpool in the early 1960s as Brian Epstein's "right-hand man". When we first heard that his posters had once littered the Mersey and not one remained in public, we wanted to create a mural in dedication to the legacy of this local artist that created the posters for the biggest band of all time!


Media and testimonials

beatles 56.jpg

MLK Mural


Peter Pan Mural