who are A&K?

Alexander and Kiran are two brothers from London living in Birmingham. Alexander is inspired by Picasso, Goya and Hirst. Kiran loves the works of Haring, Basquiat and Banksy. Kiran is an artist and Alexander an art director and Chair of the Public Art Committee for Birmingham Civic Society. Both brothers are Vipassana meditators, have a cat called Cleo and co-create together daily. Alexander and Kiran make art for everyone and create original artworks with their unique shared vision.

Ten Reasons Why Murals are the best way to Market your Brand

1. Make your brand stand out

Murals are an impactful real world media platform for brands outside of an editorial environment. Bespoke murals catered for the client such as our Burnt Savannah mural where we recreated a Havana bar that invited you into the Caribbean restaurant inside - can have an immediate impact. The owner had a forty percent increase from walk-ins on the month it was unveiled. The mural has become a local landmark and is now cherished by locals of all ages.

2. Connecting through visual communication

Since the pandemic our society has come back more even focused on community and the importance of people being connected in the real world. There is a need and want for people to belong to their communities and a mural directly demonstrates a brand recognising and investing in communicating to those local people and crafting something specifically for them. Working with local youths and giving them an opportunity to add to the murals gives them a sense of belonging and this connection with the mural can often turn into a sense of responsibility for the whole area.

3. Aid mental health

The impact of the pandemic and social media on people’s health has been well documented. Mental health organisations have long recognised through their research the positive role art plays in improving mental health and mood. It can boost confidence and make us feel more engaged and resilient, as well as alleviating anxiety, depression and stress. Big art makes a big impact.

4. Bring people out

It’s important for the UK’s recovery to get people out and by creating physical spectacles we can better the mental health of the nation. Murals make the streets brighter, making them better places for people to enjoy.

5. Go Big

Brands that want big impact want large scale murals that directly reflect the scale and spirit of a business. To create a large scale production with a team of technicians (whilst all being recorded)our murals can offer a performance as big as the mural’s we make promoting our client during the entire production and if requested in a grand unveiling.

6. 24/7 Social Media

Outdoor murals are always on display and are one of the few advertising formats to be voluntarily, actively and widely photographed and shared on social media. Against this backdrop for an increased need and demand for positivity, this effect has become exponentially more powerful if well- harnessed by a brand.

7. Beats Other Marketing Assets

The pandemic has made shooting content and the production of marketing assets more challenging, especially for brands with a strong aesthetic element. The power of a well located and designed mural, provides content from first day of production to an unveiling. The mural then provides interaction and engagement on a daily basis with whoever passes by. This can benefit the brand both in breeding familiarity and showing a real world presence.

8. Visibly Support Artists

Professional artists and the arts in general have truly suffered as a result of the pandemic in the UK, with most falling between the cracks of government schemes to employees and the self-employed due to the nature of their income. Murals provide an opportunity for brands to be visibly seen supporting art talent within the communities and nations they are seeking to influence at the time they most need it, building genuine and meaningful brand value.

9. Reflect The Nations Want for Art

Forced time at home has helped people embrace a slower pace of life and given people a bigger desire to venture out and embrace all things artistic looking for as many new experiences and visual backdrops as possible. Our murals are one of a kind and our unique and creative production processes bring a heightened interest into creativity and feed the appetite of a younger generation always looking to see something new.

10. Be In Trendsetting Areas

Mural locations are deliberately sited in younger cultural hubs where tastemakers and trendsetters are known too frequent. Keen to get on with their lives and make up for lost time they have never been more interested in their social lives and being seen out. Murals are well placed to reach a wider audience than other marketing and advertising options and provide engagement with a brand in a memorable and universally shareable way.

why do we make murals?

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We make art that engages, makes you think and enjoy. Two brothers that love to do, make and create. We are Alexander & Kiran. Art From A&K> Art is Long, Life is Short.

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